Thursday 15 April 2010


It's heating up here in the capital! Both outside and in the political arena.

Tonight is the big old, all singing, all dancing, first ever prime minister debate. How very western of us.

Do you care? Will you watch?

I've been keeping a bit of an eye on the campaigns this time round...trying to get some perspective etc., but it's all much of a muchness surely?

David Cameron has the charisma, modern man, heart on sleeve factor. But is there any substance?

Gordon Brown is so boring, that people will probably see him as a safe, easy voting option - not very controversial.

...and Nick Clegg is a bit wet behind the ears - and very defensive.

I watched the interview piece on Gordon Brown last night, and was pretty unenthused.

When asked what he gets most stressed out or worried about in his personal life, his answer alluded to the fact that he doesn't worry about his personal life because his priority is the British public, and the bigger issues...

I don't know about you, but that wasn't what I wanted to hear. It would've been nice to see him be a bit more real and have at least a minor concern or worry about his personal life...

After the interview I skeptically switched over to Lindsay Lohans Journey to India...

I have to say, I was really moved. She went to visit lots of refuge/safe houses for young boys and girls rescued from trafficking, and heard their stories. She seemed genuinely really effected by the experience.

In these situations, with celebrities adopting left and right, visiting war-torn, earth-quake ravaged places, and making these documentaries on really hard hitting relevant issues, it is easy to look at it and give it a great big eye roll.

Is it all about the publicity? Who knows... Would they be interested if they didn't have a persona to keep up? Who knows...

I'm pretty sure Lindsay Lohan is generally a hot mess, but I couldn't help but give her the benefit of the doubt last night.